Timeless Voices USA


Time-Less Voices, LLC – Art Therapy Support Agreement Contract Consent Intake Form for Art Therapy Practitioner

Mission Statement:

    Art therapy involves using artistic methods to improve physical, mental, and emotional well-being. It may include but is not limited to, drawing, painting, sculpture, dancing, and other art forms. While art therapy's benefits include improved mood and cognitive function, potential risks may include emotional discomfort.

    Purpose: To outline the terms of service and the art therapist's practitioner and client's responsibilities and formalize the engagement.


    Client Information:


    Monthly Contact Number:

    Date of Birth:

    [Fillable fields for client input]


    • Client Information: Name, Date of Birth, Contact Information.

    • Medical History: Relevant psychological and physical health information.

    • Consent for Therapy: Explanation of art therapy, what it involves, potential risks, and benefits.

    • Privacy Policy: Assurance of confidentiality and explaining circumstances under which information may be disclosed.

    • Client's Signature and Date: Confirmation of understanding and agreement to participate.

    Gathering Personal Information
    : To collect essential details such as the client's name, contact information, Date of birth, and address. This information is crucial in identifying the client and ensuring accurate communication and record-keeping.

    Page 2: Consent Intake Form for Art Therapy Practitioner

    Collecting Medical and Psychological History: To obtain relevant health information that could influence the client's participation and the effectiveness of therapy.

    Understanding a client's medical and psychological background allows the therapist to tailor the therapy sessions to meet the client's specific needs and constraints.

    Establishing Informed Consent: To ensure the client understands what art therapy involves, including the methods used, potential benefits, and risks. Informed consent is crucial as it ensures that the client voluntarily agrees to participate in treatment with a complete understanding of what it entails.

    Ensuring Confidentiality: This section informs the client about the privacy policies regarding handling their personal and sensitive information. It reassures clients that their data will be kept confidential and outlines the circumstances under which it might be disclosed (e.g., legal requirements).

    Formalizing the Agreement to Participate: By signing the intake form, the client formally agrees to participate in the therapy sessions under the terms laid out. This Signature also represents an understanding and acceptance of the therapy process described in the form.

    Overall, the intake form serves as a foundational document that ensures the therapist and 

    the client are clear about the terms of engagement, the client's rights, and the therapeutic 

    framework. It also helps build trust and transparency between the client and the therapist, setting the stage for a successful therapeutic relationship.

    Do you consent to participate in art therapy sessions under these terms?

    [ ] Yes

    [ ] No

    Privacy Policy:

    Your privacy is important to us. All information shared during sessions will be kept confidential, except when disclosure is required by law, such as when someone threatens harm to themselves or others.

    Do you acknowledge and accept our privacy policy?

    [ ] Yes

    [ ] No

    Page 3: Consent Intake Form for Art Therapy Practitioner

    Client's Rights:

    • Right to Confidentiality: Your information and the details of your therapy sessions are confidential, except as required by law.

    • Right to Withdraw Consent: You may withdraw your consent and discontinue participation in therapy at any time.

    • Right to Access Your Information: You have the right to review or receive a summary of your personal and medical information held by us.


    This consent form is an agreement to participate in art therapy sessions under the outlined terms. Signing this form does not obligate the client to continue therapy beyond their comfort, nor does it impose therapeutic outcomes.

    Notary Signature (Optional): The parties acknowledge that this Agreement may be notarized upon request to validate its legality and authenticity further.
    [Space for Notary Public's Signature, Stamp, and Seal] Notary Public Signature:

    [Notary Public Name and Commission Expiry Date]