Timeless Voices USA


suggested reading

Recommended Books

We offer book recommendations to help members and non-subscribers conduct research and build their libraries. Opening a book will lead to answers, fostering self-confidence through knowledge. Listen Live and Streamline – We provide ethical delivery of current news and in-depth investigations on exclusive topics. These topics serve as a foundation for commentary, analysis, and optional input.

More Suggested Readings


Study the Footprints of Global Economies/Production, Trade, and Distributions

The Law of Success, Napoleon Hill

Think and Grow Rich, by Napoleon Hill

Outwitting the Devil, by Napoleon Hill

Think and Grow Rich, A Black Choice, by Dennis Kimbro and Napoleon Hill

Daily Motivations for African American Success, by Dennis Kimbro

The Muqaddimah – An Introduction to History/The Classic Islamic History of the World, by Ibn Khaldun

The Teachings of Ptahhotep, The Oldest Book in the World, by Asa G. Hilliard III, Larry Williams and Nia Damali – Editors

Mansa Musa And Timbuktu – A Fascinating History From Beginning To End

Study the nineteen Stock Markets Globally, (with a market capitalization of more than “95 Trillion Dollars” as of November 2020. Including study of Bull Market

International Monetary Fund/IMF (190 countries and still conquering)

Tower of Babel – The Shadowy History of the Secret Bank That Runs the World – “An absorbing and thorough examination of one of the world’s most important, yet opaque, institution” -REUTERS by Adam Lebor

Study, analyze and invest in Cryptocurrency

Amazon – Founder, Jeff  Bezos – Study the Business Operations/Distribution, Ebay Founder– Pierre Omidyar – Study the Business Operations/Management/Distribution

Facebook and its additions

Warren Buffett

Facebook Founder, Mark Zuckerberg -Studying the business profile/operation/management

Google Founders, Larry Page and Sergey Brin

Bill Gates, Founder of Microsoft

  Federal Reserve Chairman,Alan Greenspan,  William McChesney Martin, Chairman, Ben Bernanke- study about the Federal Reserve

*Study Hedge Funds



*Gold and Oil of the Live Earth

*Value of Lands/Real Estate

*Inheritance (as acquisition of possession and/or property)

, by Robert T. Kiyosaki,

Cashflow Quadrant/ Rich Dad’s Guide to Financial Freedom, by Robert T. Kiyosaki

Rich Dad’s Guide to Investing, What the Rich Invest In, That the Poor and Middle Class Do Not!, By Robert T. Kiyosaki

Increase your Financial IQ, by Robert T. Kiyosaki

The Business of the 21st Century, by Robert T. Kiyosaki

The Business School, For the People Who Like Helping People, by Robert T. Kiyosaki

Rich Brother/Rich Sister, by EMI Kiyosaki and Robert T. Kiyosaki

How to Buy and Sell a Business, by Garrett Sutton

The Financial Peace Planner, Dave Ramsey

The FEAR, by Scott Galloway

The Algebra of Happiness, by Scott Galloway

The Richest Man in Babylon by George S. Clason

The Millionaire Next Door by Thomas J. Stanley

The Creature from Jekyll Island: A second Look at Federal Reserve by G. Edward Griffin

All About Investing, the Easy Way To Get Started, by Faerber

50% Shades of Wealth, The Allure of Success, by Barrett Matthews, forward by Dr. George C. Fraser

Harris Farmer’s Almanac

How the Stock Market Operates/A Guide to Understanding the Stock Markets, by Kirk G Meyer

Confidential/Sales Secrets, The World’s Top SalesPeople Share Their Secrets to Success, by Brandon Bornancin

Follow the Feeling-brand building in a noisy world by Kai D. Wright

The Coaching Effect/What Great Leaders Do to Increase Sales, Enhance Performance, and Sustain Growth, by Bill Eckstrom and Sarah Wirth

Daniel Webster, by Henry Cabot Lodge

Geoengineered Transhumanism, How the Environment has been weaponized by chemicals, electronmagnetism and nanotechnology for synthetic biology by Elana Freeland

Semantic Scholar website provides several citations on Black Farmers in America, 1865-200: The Pursuit of Independent Farming and the Role of Cooperative.  By BJ Reynolds

The Homestead Act, and it’s loses of land to the Black America.  Out of 160 million free land allotted to (1.6 million Homesteaders) to Americans, Black Americas were left out, although the Freedmen Bureau, established March 3, 1865 to assist some black freed enslaved, which only last for a short period during reconstruction.

Further Suggestion for Reading: We Question Who Are We Really?

American Indian Myths and Mysteries, by Vincent H. Gaddis

Visions of Deliverance: Moriscos and the Politics of Prophecy I, by Mayte Green-Mercado

Spain Under the Habsburgs: Volume Two, Spain and America, by John Lynch

Memorials of The Huguenots in America: With Special Reference to Their Emigration To Pennsylvania, by Stapleton, Ammon

A Contribution to the History of the Huguenots of South Carolina, by Frederick Adolphus Porcher

History of the Huguenot Emigration to America 2 vols. In 1, by Charles Baird

From New Babylon to Eden: The Huguenots and Their Migration to Colonial South Carolina (The Carolina Low-country and the Atlantic World, Bertrand Van Ruymbeke

The Warburgs: The Twentieth-Century Odyssey of a Remarkable Jewish Family, by Ron Chernow

The Nego Christianized, An Essay to Excite and Assist that Good Work, the Instruction of Negro Servants in Christianity, by Cotton Mather

From New Babylon to Eden, The Huguenots and Their Migration to Colonial South Carolina, by Bertrand Van Ruymbeke

The Huguenots of Colonial South Carolina, by Hirsch PhD, Ph.D Arthur Henry Henry

Huguenot Emigration To America by Charales W. Baird

A Contribution to the History of the Huguenots of South Carolina, by Prof. Frederick Adolphus Porcher

The Way to Wealth: Ben Franklin on Money and Success, by Benjamin Franklin

Ben Franklin of Old Philadelphia (Landmark Books), by Margaret Cousins

American Genealogy, Being a History of Some of the Early Settlers of North America and Their Descendant, From Their Fist Emigration to the Present Time, by Jerome B. Holgate

From Their First Emigration to the Present Time, by Jerome B. Holgate

The Aboriginal Black Olmec Civilization, by Anu M’Bantu

Black Masters: A Side-light on Slavery (1904), by Calvin Dill Wilson

The Mind of the Negro as Reflected in Letters During the Crisis 1800-1860 , by Carter G. Woodson

The Education of Blacks in the South, 1860-1935 by James D. Anderson

Mesopotamia: A Captivating Guide to Ancient Mesopotamian History and Civilizations, Including the Sumerian, Mythology, Gilgamesh, Ur, Assyrians, Babylon, Hammurabi and the Persian Empire, by Captivating History

Christian Slaves, Muslim Masters: White Slavery in the Mediterranean, the Barbary Coast, and Italy, 1500-1800 (Early Modern History: Society and Culture), by General Editors: Rab Houston and Edward Muir

Further Suggestion for Reading:

The Police Control of the Slave in South Carolina (1914) by Howell Meadoes Henry

The Real Facts About Ethiopia, by J. A. Rogers.

Was Jesus Christ A Negro? – The African Origin of the Myths Legends Garden of Eden, by J.G. Jackson

World’s Great Men of Color, (Joel Augustus Rogers) J. A Rogers

From “Superman” to Man, by J.A. Rogers

100 Amazing Facts About the Negro with Complete Proof, by J.A. Rogers

Nature Knows No Color Line by Joel Augustus Rogers

Nature Knows No Color Line by J.A. Rogers

Your History, by J.A. Rogers,

The KUKLUX Spirit, BY J.A. Rogers

The Five Negro Presidents/U.S.A. J. A. Rogers – Now Learning that there maybe actually 7 to 8 So-called Black Presidents

Referenced, Thomas Jefferson, Alexander Hamilton, Warren Harding, Andrew Jackson, and Abraham Lincoln.

Referenced from Black Out Through Whitewash, page 49 Mulatto President was Dwight Eisenhower, the 34th president of U.S. by Suzar

Noted: The first president under America’s first constitution, known as the U.S. Articles of Confederation (enlisted, President John Hanson, a Black man).  The 9th President, George Washington 1st President only under the U.S. Constitution. The new country was actually formed on March 1, 1781 with the adoption of the Articles of Confederation. Citation of Black Out Through Whitewash, page 49 Mulatto President was Dwight Eisenhower, the 34th president of U.S. by Suzar

Confederate Currency, The Color of Money, Images of Slavery in Confederate and Southern States Currency, paintings by John W. Jones – edited by Gretchen Barbatsis

Woke Doesn’t Mean Broke by Billy Carson

Compendium of the Emerald Tablets: A Beginners Guide, by Billy Carson

Billy Carson has a host of other entities that require attention for one’s personal research, including his platform of lectures, documentaries, and events.

77 Amazing Facts About the Moors with Complete Proof by G.S. Kudjo Adwo El and G.S. Rami A. Salaam El

Black Indians, A Hidden Heritage, by William Laren Katz

Dr. Leonard Jeffries – former professor of Black Studies at City College of New York (books and lectures)

Dr. John Henrik Clarke, Professor, American Historian, and Pan-African and Africana studies. (Dr. John Henrik Clarke – Indigenous American.

Tony Brown Journal (Broadcast, books, and lectures)

The Ways of White Folks, by Langston Hughes

Benjamin Banneker (Surveyor, Astronomer, Publisher, Patriot, Benjamin Banneker, by Charles A. Cerami

10 things White People don’t tell you, by Otis Aubert

How White Folks Got So Rich, The Untold Story of American White Supremacy, copyright 2012, 204 by Reclamation Project – All Rights Reserved

The History of Spain by Peter Pierson

Unzipped, the popes bare all – A Frank Study of Sex & Corruption in the Vatican, by Arthur Frederick Ide

Human Trafficking, Exploring the International Nature, Concerns, and Complexities, Edited by John Winterdyk, Benjamin Perrin, Philip Reichel

Charles Martel and The Battle of Tours – The Defeat of the Arab Invasion of Western Europe by the Franks, 732 AD by Edward Creasy, G.L. Strauss, Charles King & Walter Copland Perry

The Untold History of The United States, by Oliver Stone and Peter Kuznick

The Samson Option, Israel’s Nuclear Arsenal and American Foreign Police, by Seymour M. Hersh

Dred Scott v. Sandford: A Brief History with Documents (Bedford Cultural Editions) Second Edition, by Paul Finkelman

The United Independent Compensatory Codes/System/Concept, by Neely Fuller, Jr.

Population Control – How Corporate owners are Killing Us y Jim Marrs

Ancient and Modern Britons Volume 1, by David Mc Ritchie

The First Americans Were Africans – Documented Evidence by David Imhotep PhD.

Black Markets – The Supply and Demand of Body Parts by Michele Goodwin

Post Traumatic Slave Syndrome, by Joy Degruy, PhD

Out of Darkness by Kaba Kamene, Dr. Umar Johnson, Tony Drowder, Dr. Claud Anderson and Tim Wise – Dr. John Degruy, Sabir Bey, James Small, Taj Tarik Bey and Atlantis Browder (Movie- on Video)

Sabir Bey, establisher of these platform for over 20 years (Film, Documentaries, Radio, Traveling Moor, Commentator, In-Depth Researcher – Truth Finder), Journalist, Author/Chronicler, etc.

What Every African American Should Know – African Americans Ain’t Africans – Written by Kerry Davis (e-book) and Talk Show Host via YouTube Platform

The Element Encyclopedia of Native Americans, the ultimate a-z of the tribes, symbols, and wisdom of the native americans of north America, by Adele Nozedar

The Origin of Races and Color, First Published in 1879,  with an Archaeological Compendium of Ethiopian and  Egyptian Civilization from Years of Careful Examination and Enquiry, by Martin R. Delany

Global African Presence by Dr. Ivan Van Sertima

They Came before Columbus by Dr. Ivan Van Sertima

African Presence in Early Europe by Ivan Van Sertima

Blacks in Science, by Dr. Ivan Van Sertima

Black Women in Antiquity, By Ivan Van Sertima

Early America by Dr. Ivan Van Sertima

Great Black Leaders by Ivan Van Sertima

Golden Age of the Moor – edited by Ivan Van Sertima

How White Folks Got So Rich, The Untold Story of American White Supremacy

The Tree of Life by George W. Carey

The Mis-Education of the Negro by Garter G. Woodson

The Education of the Negro Prior to 1861 by Carter G. Woodson

The Education of the Negro – An Essential preface To Understanding the Mis-Education of the Negro by Carter G. Woodson

The Mis-Education of Black Youth in America by Rick Wallace PhD

God’s Secretaries – The Making of the King James Bible by Adam Nicolson

Decolonising the African Mind by Chinweizu

Black A Moor, Bridging the historical Gap Between Black and Moor, by Cozmo El

History of The Negro Race In America From 1619 To 1880. Vol. 1, Negroes As Slaves, As Soldiers, and As Citizens, George Washington Williams – Noted, Pages are not numbered for this Book, but the content is valuable information.

The Impact of identity, the Power of Knowing Who You Are, by Irina Nevzlin

Secrets of Metaphysics Mastery three Books in one by Erik Tao

Relations of the Mineral Salts of the Body to the Signs of the Zodiac by George W. Carey

Real Nigga Etiquette by The God 720

“The Negro A Beast” or “In the Image of God” by Charles Carroll

Their Angry Creed – The shocking history of feminism, and how it is destroying our way of life, by Herbert Purdy

Richard Griff (Professor Griff) American Rapper of Public Enemy- Activist, author, lecturer, and Minister of Information found on social media.

KRS – Lawrence “Kris Parker (krs-one.com)

KRS book on the Gospel

Kicked Out of Heaven – The untold History of the White Races Cir. 700-1700 a.d. Vol. I, II and III by Keenan Booker

The Propaganda Project, by Phil M. Williams

Blacked Out Through Whitewash by Sazur

War of the Anunnaki, Nuclear Self-Destruction in Ancient Sumer, by Chris H. Hardy, Ph.D>

The Price for Their Pound of Flesh by Daina Ramey Berry

The History of the Negro Church, by Carter G. Woodson, PhD

Lies My Teacher Told Me, by James W. Loewen

Moors – What They didn’t Teach You in Black History Class – by Cozmo El

Moorish/Muurish Treaties – Guide to Treaties and Declarations y Bandele El-Amim

Revealing America’s Dark-Skinned Past Vol. 2, The Columbian Era by Red SilverFox Thunderbird

The [black] Americas’ Handbook for Survival Through the 21st Century by Author: RaDine A. America

Black People are Indigenous to the Americas: Research Material for the Inquisitive by Kimberly R. Norton

The Joke of Christianizing China, by B.W. Williams – Introduction by Madalyn Murray O’Hair

Revealing America’s Dar Skinned Past Vol. 1 Red SilverFox Thunderbird

The Anglo-American Establishment by Carroll Quigley

What You Should Know About the United States Constitution and the Bill of Rights by Dr. John Coleman

The Committee 300 by Dr. John Coleman

Melanin: A key To Freedom by Richard D. Kings M.D.

The Blue Vein Society by Sam Kelley

Nationality, Birthrights and Jurisprudence, Bandele El-Amin

Murder by Injection-The Story of the Medical Conspiracy Against America

The Kemetic Tree of Life by Ashby

The Negro Question, by Lee Cummings

The Negro Question part 3 – The Black Pentecost – Lee Cummings

2012 to Eternity by Lee B Cummings

The Negro Question Part 6, The 13 Black Colonies by Lee Cummings

The Negro Question Part 5 – Joseph & The 12th Dynasty of Egypt by Lee Cummings

Annotated and Illustrated Holy Bible – A Companion to the Negro Question Book Series – From Samuel to the Last King of Judah Volume 2 by Lee Cummings

The Negro Question Part 7 – Swarthy Memoirs of a Black American Revolution 1775-1783


The Jesus Mary Conspiracy, by Lee Cummings

Annotated and Illustrated Holy Bible – A Companion To The Negro Question

Book Series – The Five Books of the Law Written By Moses by King James Version – Volume 1 by Lee Cummings

The Negro Question Who Am I? Revised Version by Lee Cummings

*Be Radiant – Become who GOD meant you to be, by Lee Cummings

The Jews of Morocco Vol.-4, by J.E. Budgett Meakin – 1892

Ishi Means Man by Thomas Merton

God-Man the World Made Flesh by George W. Carey and Ines Eudora Perry

Black People Invested Everything, by Dr. Sujan Kumar Dass

The Redneck Manifesto by Jim Goad

Trilateralism – The Trilateral Commission and Elite Planning Management Edited by Holly Sklar

Working Toward Whiteness, How America’s Immigrants Became White by David R. Roediger

Birthright Citizens – A History of Race and Rights in Antebellum America by Matha S.Jones

The Negro Project, Margaret Sanger’s Diabolical, Duplicitous Dangerous, Disastrous and Deadly Plan for Black America by Bruce Fleury – Foreword by Ron Edwards

A Short Story of the “Anisazi” People of “America The history of America that Vanished by RaDine America Harrison

The Hidden Ancestral Identity of the American “Negro”, by RaDine America

The Americas, The Captivating History

Black Skin, White Masks, by Frantz Fanon

The Mind of Primitive Man by, Granz Boas

Mass Control: Engineering Human Consciousness by Jim Keith

Before the Mayflowers – A history of the Negro in America, 1619-01962 by Lerone Bennett, Jr.

After America – Get Ready for Armageddon by Mark Steyn

The Art of Deception and An Introduction to Critical Thinking by Nicholas Capaldi and Miles Smit

Know Thyself, by Na’im Akbar – Including CD’s, Videos, and a host of other materials

Common Law Handbook for Juror’s Sheriff’s Bailiff’s and Justice’s (www.NationalLibertyAlliance.org)

They Own It All (Including You!) by Means of Toxic Currency) Ronald MacDonald, and Robert Rown, M.D

Zbigniew Brzezinski – The Grand Chessboard

Sources of Our Liberties by Richard L. Perry

The Third Industrial Revolution by Jeremy Rifkin

En Route to Global Occupation by Gary H. Kah

Magellan’s Terrifying Circumnavigation of the Globe – Over the Edge of the World by Laurence Berggreen

Gannibal – The Moor of Petersburg by Hugh Barnes

The Unspoken Truth of Our Racial Divide – White Rage by Carol Anderson, PhD

Before Columbus – Exploration and Colonization form Mediterranean to the Atlantic, 1229-1492 by Felipe Fernandez Armesto

How To Run A Country, by Marcus Tullius Cicerto

The Developmental Psychology of the Black Child by Amos N. Wilson

An American Dilemma Volume 1 – The Negro Problem and Modern Democracy by Gunnar Myrdal

True Myth: Black Vikings of the Middle Ages by Nashid Al-Amin

The Zero Marginal Cost Society – The Internet of Things, The Collaborative Commons, And the Eclipse of Capitalism by Jeremy Rifkin

The Falsification of Afrikan Consciousness, Eurocentric History, Psychiatry, and the Politics of White Supremacy, by Amos N. Wilson

Mentacide and Other Essay, by Bomani Baruti, Mwalimu K.

103 Amazing Facts About The Black Indian of the Western Hemisphere – Outlined, by Kanyon (pdf)

The Wretched of the Earth, (60th Anniversary Edition, with a New Introduction by Cornel West, Frantz Fanon

Mind of My Mind, by Octavia E. Butler

Dimensions, Channeled Text, by Ivan Teller

The Book of Lucifer, Channeled Text, by Ivan Teller,

The Book Adam, Ivan Teller

The Story of the Moors in Spain: A History of the Moorish Empire in Europe; their Conquest -l Book of Laws and Code of Rites, by Lan-Poole, Stanley

The Secret Team:  The CIA and Its Allies in Control of the United States and the World, by Prouty, L. Feletcher

The Lost History of Ancient America: How Our Continent was Shaped by Conquerors, Influencers, and Other Visitors from Across the Ocean, by Frank Joseph

White Slavery in Colonial America and Other Documented Facts Suppressed from The Public Know! by Chris Masterson

White Shift; Populism, Immigration, and the Future of White Majorities, by Eric Kaufmann

The Unknown Arabs, Clear, Definitive Proof of the Dar Complexion of the Original Arabs and the Arab Origin of the So-Called African Americans, by Tariq Berry

Dirt; A Social History as Seen Through The Uses and Abuses of Dirt, by Terence P. McLaughlin

2045 Global Projects at War – Tectonic processes of Global Transformation by Daniel Estulin

A concise Introduction to LOGIC by Patrick J. Hurley – Eleventh Edition

Universal Declaration of Human Rights by Eleanor Roosevelt et al.

Theosophy – The Wisdom Religion by Editorial Board of Theosophy Trust

The Reconstruction ERA – A Captivating Guide to A period in the history of the United States of America that greatly impacted American Civil Rights after the war for Southern independence by Captivating History

The Portuguese in West Africa, 1415-1670 – A Documentary History by Malyn Newitt

The Fall of America by Elijah Muhammad

Blackroots Science by Modimohcho

Melanin is Worth More Than Gold, is This the Era of The Blessed Generation? By Nnamdi Azikiwe

The How to Eat To Live Holistic Companion by Nasir Makr Hakim and Rose Hakim

Awaken the Word Within (1962), Hilton Hotema

We Do Not Die by Hilton Hotema

Man’s Higher Consciousness (1962) by Hilton Hotema

The Hidden Creator (1961) by Hilton Hotema

The Soul’s Secret (1958) by Hilton Hotema

Pre-Existence of Man (1960) by Hilton Hotema

Ancient Secrets of Personal Power Tetragrammation, by Professor Hilton Hotema

The Facts of Nutrition, By Hilton Hotema

Why Do We Age? (1959) Hilton Hotema

Secret of Regeneration by Hilton Hotema

Why Do We Age, by Hilton Hotema

The Magic Wand: he Caduceus (1956) by Hilton Hotema

The Soul’s Secret by Hilton Hotema

The Lost Word of Freemasonry, by Hilton Hotema

The Mysterious Sphinx, by Professor Hilton Hotema

The Magic World, by Professor Hilton Hotema

The Great Law by Prof. Hilton Hotema

Cosmic Science of the Ancient Masters, by Professor Hilton Hotema

The Mystery of Man, by Professor Hilton Hotema

The Breath of Life And The Flame Divine (1957) by Hilton Hotema

The Great Red Dragon by Professor Hilton Hotema

The Facts of Nutrition, by Hilton Hotema

Why Do We Age? (1959) by Hilton Hotema

The Breath of Life And The Flame Divine (1957) by Hilton Hotema

When Giants Were Upon the Earth: The Watchers, The Nephilim, and the Cosmic War of the Seed (Chronicles of the Nephilim) by Brian Godawa

The Power of Your mind, by Edgar Cayce

Reincarnation and Karma, by Edgar Cayce

The Akashic Record, Blueprint for Your Soul, By Edgar Cayce

Beyond Death, by Edgar Cayce

The Nazi Doctors, by Robert Jay Lifton

African Origin of Civilization: The Myth or Reality, by Cheikh Anta Diop narrated by Frank Block

From The Browder File: 22 Essays on the African American Experience, by Anthony Bowder,

History of the Conquest of Spain by the Arab-Moors, Volume 2 by Henry Coppee

Tippoo Tib: The Story of His Career in Central Africa, Narrated From His Own Accounts, by Dr. Heinrich Brode and Translated by H. Havelock. First published in London in 1907 by Edward Arnold.

The Nazi Doctors and the Nuremberg Code: Human Rights in Human Experimentation, by George J. Annas

How to Stop Your Doctor Killing you, by Dr. Vernon Coleman

The Man Who Cried I Am, by John A. Williams

Cured eighty-one Natural Cures For Cancer, Diabetes, Alzheimer’s and more, by Dr. Glenn Rothfeld

When Giants Were Upon the Earth: The Wathers, The Nephilim, and the Cosmic War of the Seed (Chronicles of the Nephilim), by Brian Godawa

Where China Meets India, by Thant Myint-UThe Egyptian Philosophers: Ancient African Voices from Imhotep to Akhenaten, by Molefi Kete Asante

The Ancient Black Civilizations of Asia, by Dr. Clyde Winters

The Ancient Blacks of China, by Dr. Clyde Winters

The World History of the Black Race, by Dr. Clyde Winters

Blacks in Europe: From Pre-history to Contemporary Times, By Dr. Clyde Winters

Origin Black Neanderthals and the White Race, by Clyde Winters

Dr. Clyde Winters – Books and Lectures (deep research required) – Population Genetics and the Ancient History of Blacks Manufactured Genetic Origins: The Fake Eurasian Back Migration, by Clyde Winters

Blacks in Europe: From Pre-history to Contemporary Times, By Dr. Clyde Winters

Manufactured Genetic Origins: The Fake Eurasian Black Migration, By Clyde Winters

History of Blacks in America From Pre-History to 1877 by Dr. Clyde Winters

History Gems With Dr. Clyde Winters, Pan-Africanism, FBA and Reparations-Cut the Check Copyright©2022(pdf)

History Gems With Dr. Clyde Winters – (Origin Black Neanderthals and the white Man) Copyright©2022(pdf)

History Gems With Dr. Clyde Winters (Thanksgiving Root of the War between Blacks & whites) (pdf)

History Gems With Dr. Clyde Winters (Africans and Dravidians) Copyright©2022 (pdf)

History Gems With Dr. Clyde Winters, (Gymnosophist and Meroitic Empire) Copyright©2022 (pdf)

History Gems With Dr. Clyde Winters, Did What Goods send Annunaki to make Black Sumerians Slaves, Copyright © 2022 (pdf)

History Gems With Dr. Clyde Winters, White Nightmares, FEAR of Being FBA, Copyright©2022 (pdf)

History Gems With Dr. Clyde Winters,White Lies and the Origin of the Sub-Saharan FBA, Copyright©2022(pdf)

THE PALEOAMERICANS CAME FROM AFRICA, by Clyde Winters, Uthman dan Fodio Institute, Chicageo, Illinois 60643 *Author for Correspondence (pdf)

History Gems With Dr. Clyde Winters, The Whites Know Olmecs Came from Africa to America, Copyright©2022. (pdf)

History Gems With Dr. Clyde Winters, What whites don’t tell you about the Rig Veda: The Nile Valley in the Rig Veda Copyright©2022 (pdf)

The book Heinrich und Ingrid Kusch, TORE ZUR UNTERWELT, Das Geheimnis der unterirdischen Gange aus uralter Zeit by V. F. Sammler.

MFIT Magazine: Moorish Britain # 7 What Your School Will Never Teach You (What your school will never teach you: Decolonizing the Curriculum) by Charles, Dr Marie

Moorish Britain issue # 3: What Your School Will Never Teach You (What your school will never teach you: Decolonizing the Curriculum) by Charles, Dr Marie

MFIT Magazine: What your school will never teach you.: Melanin Mweusi Magik (What your school will never teach you: Decolonizing the Curriculum) by Charles, Dr Marie

What Your School Will Never Teach You: Moorish Britain (What your school will never teach you: Decolonizing the Curriculum) by Charles, Dr Marie

MFIT Magazine: Moorish Britain # 5 What Your School Will Never Teach You.: Decolonizing the Curriculum by Charles, Dr Marie

MFIT Magazine: What Your School Will Never Teach You. Issue #4: Moorish Britain (What your school will never teach you: Decolonizing the Curriculum) by Charles, Dr. Marie

MFIT Magazine: Moorish Britain #6 What Your School Will Never Teach: Decolonizing the Curriculum (What your school will never teach you: Decolonizing the Curriculum) by Charles, Dr. Marie

MFIT Magazine: Moorish Britain #9 What Your School Will Never Teach You: Ancient Scotland: Part One (What your school will never teach you: Decolonizing the Curriculum) by Charles, Dr. Marie

Decolonizing the Curriculum through Theory & Practice: Pathways to Empowerment for Children Parents & Teachers (What your school will never teach you: Decolonizing the Curriculum) Charles, Dr. Marie

Proclamation 1625: America’s Enslavement Of The Irish

By Byrd, Herbert L.

Black Civilizations of Southeast Asia, Austro-Asiatic, by Ra Hen-Nefer Anum

History of Conquest of Spain by the Arab-Moors, With a Sketch of the Civilization Which They Achieved, and Imparted to Europe, Volume 1, by Henry Coppee

The Last Of The Tartarians: A true story in at least one of the parallel universes by Gloria Nadie

The Four Voyages: Being His Own Log-Book, Letters and Dispatches with Connecting Narratives.. (Penguin Classics) by Columbus, Christopher

Secrets of Ancient America: Archaeoastronomy and the Legacy of the Phoenicians, Celts, and Other Forgotten Explorers by Lehrburger, Carl

The One World Tartarians, The Greatest Civilization Ever To Be Erased From History, by James W. Lee

Queen Califia and the Island of California She Ruled in Paradise – Until the Great Floods of the Early 1800s by James W. Lee

The Untold History of Mendocino County, California (Color): That Very Few Know Anything About, by James W. Lee

Nothing Is True Everything Is a Lie – The Bible on twenty-one Critical Subjects For the Awakening Truther, by James W. Lee

The Incredible Story of The Founding of California by Genocide On Its Native People, by James W. Lee

1901 Buffalo World’s Fair, The Pan-American Exposition in Photographs by Mark Bussler

1915 San Francisco World’s Fair in Color, Grandeur of the Panama-Pacific Exposition, by Mark Bussler

1839 New York World’s Fair: The World of Tomorrow in Photographs, by Mark Bussler

Forbidden History, Prehistoric Technologies Extraterrestrial Intervention, and the Suppressed Origins of Civilization, Edited by J. Douglas Kenyon (with contributions by Christopher Dunn, Rand Flem-Ath, Will Hart, Frank Joseph, Moira Timms, and Others

Discovering Indigenous Lands, The Doctrine of Discovery in the English Colonies, by Robert J. Miller, Jacinta Ruru, Larissa Behrendt, and Tracey Lindberg

The Yamassee and Gullah Geechee Wars, The Unconquered, by Dr. Tolagbe Ogunleye

History Lessons, How Textbooks From Around The World Portray U.S. History, by Dana Lindaman and Kyle Ward

The Motivation Manifesto, nine Declarations to Claim Your Personal Power, by Brendon Burchard

The Constitution of the Confederate States of America, Articles of Confederation, Constitution of the United Stated & Ordinances of Succession

Records of Ancient Races by McAdams 1887

Asian Slaves in Colonial Mexico From Chinos to Indians, Cambridge Latin American Studies, by Tatiana Seijas

Castes and Tribes of Southern India by Assisted By K. Rangachairi Vol. 7 by Edgar Thurston

Defenders of the Faith – Christianity and Islam Battle For The Soul of Europe 1520-1536 by James Reston, Jr. author of Warriors of God

George Washington – Douglas Southhall Freeman Author of .E. Lee, Lee’s Lieutenants; Volumes I and II: “Young Washington” – Each Volume Illustrated with reproductions of original documents, portraits, maps and plans.

The Soul’s Journey after Death by Ibn Qayyim

The Secret Doctrine I and II by H.P. Blavatsky

Avicenna, on Treating the Respiratory – Organs and the Chest, Copiled by Laleh Bakhtar

The Amazing Travels of Ibn Battuta, by Fatima Sharafeddine, Pictures by Intelaq Mohammed Ali

The Amazing Discoveries of Ibn Sina, by Fatima Sharafeddine, Pictures by Intelaq Mohammed Ali

Ibn Al-Haytham – The Man Who Discovered How We See

Avicenna, On The Fourth Elements ) Earth/Air/Fire/Water) Adapted by Laleh Bakhtiar

Avicenna – On Treating The Excretory Organs, Complied by Laleh Bakhtiar – Series Editor Seyyed Hossein Nasr

The Muqaddimah, An Introduction To History, the Classic Islamic History of the World, by Ibn Khaldun (Referenced by Sabir Bey)

Kimpa Vita, The Life and Legacy of the Influential Christian Prophet in the Kingdom of Kongo, by Charles River Editors

American Jurisprudence – State and Federal – Second Edition – A Modern Comprehensive Text Statement of American Law

“Have To” History: Landmark Supreme Court Cases/Stuff You Don’t Really Want to Know [But for Some Reason Have To] About The Most Important Cases in Supreme Court History, by Dallas Koehn

New York State Criminal Law Reference

New York Criminal Statutes and Rules (Newest Edition) by LexisNexis

Corpus Juris Secundum: 51, 51A, 51B: Labor Relations; Justices of the Peace and Kidnapping: Complete three Volumes plus Cumulative Annual Pocket Parts, A Complete Restatement of the Entire American Law as Developed by All Reported Cases

Without Precedent: Chief Justice John Marshall and His Times, by Joel Richard Paul – Unlikely Allies

The Remarkable story of John Marshall – Chief Justice, Statesman, and Diplomate – Who played a pivotal role in the founding of the United States.

Uniform Commercial Code, by American Law Institute

The UCC Connection: How To by David E. Robinson

Meet Your Strawman: And by David E. Robinson

Black Law Dictionaries/series

Dictionary or Etymology – The Origins of American English Words, by Robert K. Barnhart

Contract Law and Theory Fifth Edition by Robert E. Scott Jody S. Kraus – Lexis Nexis

Bouvier’s Law Dictionary, Vol. I and II – Revised Sixth Edition 1856

Random House Webster’s unabridged dictionary, second edition

The Courts and Unconstitutional Law (1912) by Orrin Nelson Carter

New Revised Edition – The Book of God, by True Islam

The American Slave Code, in Theory and practice, Its Distinctive Features Shown by Its Statutes, Judicial Decisions Illustrative Facts, by William Goodell

The Law of Traffic Offenses – Third Edition, by Scott Hutchison, David Rose, Phile Downes

Memorials of the Huguenots in America, With Special Reference To Their Emigration of Pennsylvania, by Ammon Stapleton

Trial Techniques, Eight Edition, Wolters Kluwer, Law & Business, by Aspen Publishers

Slaves By Law, The Fraud of the Legal System, by Jose M. Paulino

Licensed To Lie, Exposing Corruption in the Department of Justice, by Sidney Powell

More Than Slaves – The Truth No Black Person was Ever Meant To Find Out by Dante Fortson

White Fragility – Why It’s So Hard for White People to Talk About Racism by Robin DiAngelo foreword by Michael Eric Dyson

They Were Her Property – White Women as Slave Owners in the American South by Stephanie E. Jones-Rogers

The Story of the Moors in Spain, by Stanley Lane-Poole

51 Documents Zionist Collaboration with The Nazis Edited by Lenni Brenner

When Affirmative Action Was White – An Untold History of Racial Inequality in Twentieth-Century America by Ira Katznelson

Affirmative Action for the Rich – Legacy Preferences in College Admission by A Century Foundation Books by Richard D. Kahlenberg, editor

Super Predator – Bill Clinton’s Use of Abuse of Black America by Nathan J. Robinson

Discipline & Punish, by Michel Foucault

Facts, Don’t Care About Your Feelings, by Ben Shapiro

Magna Carta: A Captivating Guide to the History of the Great Charter and Its Influence on Medieval England and the Rest of the World, Captivating History

Tales of the Alhambra, by Washington Irving (Referenced by Sabir Bey)

Spain, Under The Habsburgs, Volume II, Spain and America 1598-1700, by John Lynch

The Complete poetical works of John Greenleaf Whittier, John Green leaf Whittier 1807-1892 (Reproduction was printed from digital file)

Dr. Edwin J. Nichols (Lecturer)

1491 – New Revelations of the Americas Before Columbus by Charles C. Mann – Second Edition

Booker T. Washington and the Struggle against White Supremacy – The Southern Educational Tours, 1908-1912, By David H. Jackson, Jr.

The Negro Christianized, An Essay to Excite and Assist that Good Work, the Instruction of Negro Servants in Christianity (1706) by Cotton Mather

Segregation by Design – Local Politics and Inequality in American Cities by Jessica Trounstine

Understanding the Assault on the Black Man, Black Manhood and Black Masculinity, by Wesley Muhammad, PhD

The Lethal Dose – Why Your Doctor is Prescribing It by Dr. Jenner Daniels, M.D/MBA

The Fraud of the Fraud (Volumes 1 & 2) by Jose M. Paulino

Unlock Your Mind – The Fraud of Religion by Jose M. Paulino – The Creation of God, Religion, And The Old Word Order

Jews and Muslims in British Colonial America by Elizabeth Caldwell Hirschman and Donald N. Yates

Colonists in Bondage – White Servitude and Convict Labor in America 1607-1776

Oxford Studies in Metaphysic– Volume I thru

The Devil, Perceptions of Evil from Antiquity to Primitive Christianity by Jeffrey Burton Russell

Crystallizing Public Opinion by Edward Bernays

The Name “Nego” Its Origin and Evil Use, Edited with an Introduction by W. Burghardt Turner and Joyce Moore Turner.

White Shift – Populism, Immigration, and the Future of White Majorities by Eric Kaufmann

One Truth, One Law: I AM, I Create – We are all God, We Have Just Forgotten by Erin Werley

Dr. Phil Valentine – DVDs and Books: The Wounded Womb, The Psychology of Evil in Man; Shadows of the Dark Exposed; Paradigm Shift: Ascension Strategies; Demelanizing The Afrikan Mind; Metaphysical War on Humanity, Spectra Glyphs, Star Codes and Secrets to Illumination; Manipulation of Instinct and the Biochemical Destruction of Consciousness; The Effects of Slavery is Deep Within you; Operation Death March: Hurricane Katrina Part 1 and 2; History of Christianity: Vampires of Consciousness; Lockdown U.S.A.: The Metaphysics of 21st Century Slavery with Sister Myra Ashera El. – Siste Myra provides an array of support to the community and appears over the years as a guest host on various platforms.

Dr. Phil Valentine – A Masterminds of Minds

Current applied research:

The Christ Conspiracy, The Greatest Story Ever Sold, by Acharya S.

Jason Black – the Black Authority-Board-cast radio, DVDs – 7 AM; Gentrified; Race War; (Firm Documentaries, Motivational Speaker, Chronicler, Life Coach, and an array of general and in-depth areas of studies on trades, technology, law, etc.

Dr. George Fraser (Entrepreneur, books, motivational speaker, inventor etc.)

Tariq Nasheed: Hidden Colours 1-5 Complete Documentary on DVD – pending building of a black museum, and the continuation of documentaries production

Dr. Umar Johnson – Arthur and Lecturer

Rod Hayes (Youtuber, lecturer, and chronicler of history facts)

Lisa Cabrera (American TV Journalist)

The Crimson Cure (Youtuber addressing current concerns within the community)

Autochthonous One (Youtuber addressing History Corrections)

Roland S. Martin (Commentor)

Library of Congress (Historian Corrector)

Timeline – Word History Documentary

Jason Whitlock – Youtuber – Commentor)

Dr. Robert X (Political Researcher/In-depth Fact-Finding Storyteller) found on Beverlyd Blog Talk Radio – Political and Spiritual Show.

Dr. Delbert Blair –  Lecturer

Neely Fuller – Author of Books – The United Independent Compensatory Code/System/Concept Textbook

#DaneCalloway #IJHTMYT #ImJustHereToMakeYouThink and books

Philippe Shock Matthews YouTube with a documented co-hosts on diverse subject matters

Judge Honorable Joe Brown

Honorable Bobby Hemmitt – Historian Lecturer and Researcher – All YouTube videos

Dr. Na’im Akbar – Clinical Psychologist, Chronicler,  (Tapes, and Books)

The Flat – Earth Conspiracy by Eric Dubay

Writings from the Ancient World, The Ancient Egyptian Pyramid Texts (Second Edition) by James P. Allen

The Egyptian Book of the Dead, The Book of Going Forth By Day, The Complete Papyrus of Ani – Featuring Integrated Text and Full Color Images, by Dr. Ogden Goelet, Jr. Dr. Raymond O. Faulkner, Carol A. R. Andrews, J. Daniel Gunther, and James Wasserman

Applied Personal Research for Positive music messages

Tracing Your Family’s Genealogical History by Records: First Edition Instructional Guide, by Dane Calloway

America is the True Old World Volume II – The Promised Land by Amunhotep Chavis El-Bey

America is the True Old World – Mu Discovered by Amunhotep Chavis El-Bey

Emancipated From Mental Slavery by Selected Saying of Marcus Garvey

Dumbing Us Down – The Hidden Curriculum of Compulsory Schooling by John Taylor Gatto, Foreword by Zachary Slayback

The 1928 Baker Roll Index – Records of the Eastern Cherokee – Enrolling Commission, 1924-1929 by United States National Archives

The Dawes Commission and the Allotment of the Five Civilized Tribes, 1893-1914 by Kent Carter

Studying Wealth: Elon Musk, Mark Zuckerberg, Donald Trump(strategies), Larry Page, Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos, Bernard,

Arnault/family, Larry Ellison: This is an endless list to mention, as wealth comes in its many forms with those who control power.

Historical Researches on The Conquest of Peru, Mexico, Bogota, Natchez, and Talomco, in the Thirteen Century, by the Mongols by John Ranking

Unsettling Truths – The Ongoing, Dehumanizing Legacy of the Doctrine of Discovery, by Mark Charles and Soong-Chan Rah

The Poor of Now, A guide to Spiritual Enlightenment by Eckhart Tolle

Alchemy by Rory Sutherland

The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho

Dr. Timothy Wise (American Activist on the subject matter of race)

Dr. Joy Angela DeGruy (Author, Researcher and Educator)

Napoleon Hill (All Printed Books suggested)

The Physics of Consciousness, In the Quantum Field, Minerals, Plants, Animals and Human Souls, by Ivan Antic

Medical Apartheid by Harriet A. Washington

Readings includes Medical Periodicals of Lancet, The New England Journal of Medicine, JAMA, The BMJ, Annals of Surgery, Pediatrics, Annals of Intenal Medicine American Journal of Respiratory, American Journal of Public Health, Archives of Disease in Childhood, Hypertension and Journal of Royal Society.

The Other 1492, Jewish Settlement in the New World, Norma H. Finkelstein

Visions of Deliverance, Moriscos and the Politics of Prophecy in the Early Modern Mediterranean, by Mayte Green-Mercado

White Gold – The extraordinary Story of Thomas Pellow and North Africa’s One Million European Slaves, by Giles Milton

White Trash – The 400- Year Untold History of Class in America by Nancy Isenberg

Chicago’s Black Traffic in White Girls, by Jean Turner-Zimmerman

The Girl That Disappears, The Real Facts About the White Slave Traffic, Bingham, Theo, A. (Theodore Alfred), 1858-1934

The Forgotten Slave Trade: The White European Slaves of Islam by Simon Webb

Fighting the Traffic in Young Girls – or, War on the White Slave Trade, by Bell Ernest A.

White Trash: Race and Class in America, by  Matt Wray and Annalee Newitz

Masterless Men: Poor Whites and Slavery in the Antebellum South (Cambridge Studies on the American South) by Keri Leigh Merritt

The Condemnation of Blackness Race, Crime, and the making of Modern Urban America by Khalil Gibran Muhammad

White Cargo – The Forgotten History of Britain’s White Slaves in America by Don Jordan and Michael Walsh

The Irish Slaves, Slavery, Indenture and Contract labor Among Irish Immigrants by Rhetta Akamatsu

A Dictionary of Underworld British and American, Convicts – Racketeers – Criminals – Crooks – Beggars – Tramps – Commercial Underworld – White Slave Traffic – Drug Traffic – Spivs by Eric Partridge.

Stolen Legacy by George G.M. James

Ancient Future – The Teachings and Prophetic Wisdom of the Seven Hermetic Laws of Ancient Egypt by Wayne B. Chandler with an Introduction by Ivan Van Sertima

Black Genocide – The Hypocrisy of America – Exposed by Daniel Z. Bakker

White Slaves, African Masters, Edited and with an Introduction by Paul Baeplere

Slavery by A Different Name, by Douglas A. Blackmon

Noted from the book – The Redneck Manifesto by Jim Goad, pp 218.  Reference indicated Amazon Kindle Books – In Denial: White Slavery in the Virginia Colony, 1607 to 1619 AD – Reasonable Cause for Reparations’ for Descendants of African Slaves (Race Relations:…Over 250 Years, and the ‘N’ word book 1 Kindle Education. By George Rainey Jr. Bock 1 of 3;

Indentured Servitude Unchained: White Slavery in America for over 250-Years (Virginia Colony until Emancipation Proclamation 1863 AD) Race Relations’. Over 250 Years (Book), and The ‘N’ Word – Book 2;

Novemberteeth/Aprilteenth: 1618 AD Freedom Document for White Slaves – Their 1624 AD Testimonial Document on How They Were Treated (Race Relations:, Over 250 Years, and The ‘N’ Word Book 3)

The Negro Motorist – Breen-Book, by Victor H. Green

Killer Angel – A Short Biography of Planned Parenthood’s Founder Margaret Sanger – Revised Edition by George Grant

Nazi Nexus – America’s Corporate Connections to Hitler’s Holocaust by Edwin Black

Family Properties – How the Struggle over Race and Real Estate Transformed Chicago and Urban America by Beryl Satter

History of Eastern Europe, A Captivating Guide To A Shortened History of Russia, Ukraine, Hungary, Poland, The Czech Republic, Bulgaria, Slovakia, Moldova, Belarus, and Romania, by Captivating History.

The Color of Law – A Forgotten History of How Our Government Segregated America by Richard Rothstein

1001 Things Everyone Should Know About American History by Jeffrey C. Stewart

Central America and the Law of the Constitution Civil Liberties and the Courts, by Mark Tushnet

The Early Spanish Main by Carl Ortwin Sauer

The Hidden Cost of Being African American – How Wealth Perpetuates Inequality by Thomas M. Shapiro

We are Not Just Africans – The Black Native Americans by Clyde Winters

1900 Or: The Last President – A Work of Memetic Occultism – First Edition 1896 – Edited by Carl Warwick -New Edition 2017

Woman and The New Race – Margaret Sanger

The Talent Tenth – (the Boule Class) as the first Greek-letter society for American Blacks. Including Carter G. Wilson, W.B. Du Bois as two members.

The Boule Class includes Sigma Pi Phi Fraternity and others.

Importantly one must study those who claim to represent the people they claim to represent.

History of Blacks in America From Pre-History to 1877, A common Core State Standards History, Dr. Clyde Winters

Medieval Africa 1250-1800 by Roland Oliver and Anthony Atmore

Newsweek, The Search for Adam & Eve, Scientists Explore a Controversial Theory About Man’s Origins, published January 11, 1988

Rev. Dr. Philippe Shock Matthews – Youtube – Platform; Lecturer, author and Books

The Algebra of Happiness – Notes on the Pursuit of Success, Love and Meaning by Scott Galloway

Maat Philosophy vs. Fascism and The Police State by Dr. Muata Ashby

African Religion by Ashby

Maat The eleven Laws of God by Ra Un Nefer Amen

Metu Neter Vol. 1, 2, 3 thru by Ra Un Nefer Amen

The Cosmic Hologram – Information at the Center of Creation by Jude Currivan, PhD foreword by Ervin Laszlo

Unlock Your Mind – The Fraud of Religion by Jose M. Paulino

The Invisible Rainbow – A History of Electricity and Life by Arthur Firstenberg

American Civic – 8th Grade Level

Rich Thanks to Racism – How the Ultra – Wealthy Profit From Racial Injustice by Jim Freeman

The Evolution of Conscious by Matrix 4 – Cracking The Genetic Code by Sophia Steward

Designing – The Mind – The Principles of Psychitecture

Natural Law, by Lysander Spooner

Stem Cell Now A Brief Introduction to the Coming Medical Revolution, by Christopher Thomas Scott

In the Shadows of a presidency by Daniel Estulin

The Federalist – Edited by Benjamin F. Wright

Legal Handbook for Special Agents – Copyright © 1987 by Paladin Press

The Heritage Guide to the Constitution Foreword by Edwin Meese III – 75th Attorney General of the United States

Science of Breath by Yogi Ramacharaka

Drugs Masquerading as Foods by Suzar

Communing with the Ancestors by Raven Grimassi

The Delectable Negro Huan Consumption and Homoeroticism within U.S. Slave Culture by Vincent Woodard

Within Rocks Cry Out by Horace Butler

How To Deal With White People – David Goldberg

Homo Deus – A Brief History of Tomorrow by Yuval Noah Harari

Rick Moon (a.k.a. Indigenous America Activist/Lecturer) – found with conversations on the “TheIndigenous1 YouTube Platform founded by Kerry Davis)

Lisa Cypress (Accawmacke Indian Descendant) Activist, Lecturer, also found on social media platforms providing support as needed to address Indigenous American birthrights on the Northern America landmass

Confederate Currency – The Color of Money – Images of Slavery in Confederate and Southern States Currency – Paintings by John W. Jones and edited by Gretchen Barbatsis

Life of Jefferson Davis, With A Secret History Of The Southern Confederacy, Gathered Behind The Scenes In Richmond by Edward A. Pollard

The Real Roosevelts – An Omitted History by M. S. King

Rulers of Darkness Exposed, by Damian Campbell

Slaves by Law, The Fraud of the Legal System, by Jose M. Paulino

Murakush Science University Jurisprudence – Legal Opinions by Sultan El Aemer Al Mujahddid Forword by: Khalifah Shyannm Al Muharrir

The Exhuming of a Nation – Noble Drew Ali Thru, Sheik Elihu N. Pleasant-Bey

The Slave Community, Plantation Life in The Antebellum South, Revised & Enlarged Edition, by John W. Balassingame

The World The Slaves Made, Eugene D. Genovese

From Slave Ship to Harvard, James H. Johnston

(Noted, this book also referenced by Sabir Bey)

Women and the Politics of White Supremacy in North Carolina (1896-1920), Gender & Jim Crow, by Glenda Elizabeth Gilmore

500 Nations, An Illustrated History of North American Indians, by Alvin M. Alvin M. Joseph, Jr.

War Against the Week – Eugenics and America’s Campaign to Create a Master Race by Edwin Black Law – A Treasury of Art and Literature, Edited by Sara Robbins

Murder by Decree: The Crime of Genocide in Canada – A Counter Report to the “Truth and Reconciliation Commission, Issued by the International Tribunal for the Disappeared of Canada

The Turner Diaries, by Andrew MacDonald

The Book of The Words and Their Hidden Masonic Meanings, by Albert Pike

Morals & Dogma, by Albert Pike

Chapter Rose Croix by Albert Pike foreword Albert Mackey

The Ways of White Folks, by Langston Hughes

Killers of the Flower Moon, The Osage Murders and the Birth of the FBI, by David Grann

Handbook For Special Agents, Criminal Investigation by Intelligence Division, Internal Revenue Services, Department of the Treasury

Complete Guide To Credit and Collection Law – 1999 Supplement, Prentice Hall, by Arthur Winston

(Noted, this book also referenced by Sabir Bey)

Defining Terrorism In International Law, by Ben Saul

The Biggest Secret, by David Icke

Human Race – Get Off Your Knees, The Lion Sleeps No More, by David Icke

Children of the Matrix, by David Icke

and the truth shall set you free, by David Icke

Receptions of a Renegade Mind, David Icke

The Trigger, by David Icke

The Perception Deception by David Icke

Phantom Self by David Icke

Everything You Need To Know but Have Never Been Told, by David Icke

Remember Who You Are: Remember, by David Icke

Tales from the Time Loop by David Icke

I am Me I am free, by David Icke

Global Conspiracy by David Icke

The Rise of the Fourth Reich, by Jim Marrs

Jessie Ventura YouTube and author

Behold a Pale Horse, by Milton William Cooper

The Secret Book of Dzyan by Zinovya Dushkova

TERRA-INFINITA, Extraterresstrial Worlds and Their Civilizations: The Story told by the Woman Who Was Born in the Lands Behind the Ice Walls, by Nos Confunden

The Lands of Mars – 178 Worlds Under The Great Dome, by Nos Confunden

The Navigator Who Crossed The Ice Walls – Worlds Beyond The Antarctica by Nos Confunden

The World Order, Our Secret Rulers: A Study in the Hegemony of Parasitism, by Eustace Clarence Mullins

The Encyclopedia of Ancient Giants In North America, by Fritz Zimmerman Foreword by L.A. Marzulli

Th Spiritual Meanings of Numbers, by Belle Motley

Ivan Van Sertima, Books:

They Came Before Columbus;

Egypt revisited, Golden Ages of the Moor,

Black Women in Antiquity,

African Presence in Early Europe,

The African Presence in Early America,

African presence in Early Asia

Yosef Ben-Jochannan (Dr. Ben) studies on Egyptology

Black Man of the Nile, and His Family,

African Origins of the Major “Western Religions”

Last Written Appeal! African American Freemasons: by Mustafa El-Amin

Moorish American Nationality Keys of The Moorish American Institute a scholarly work by, Lonnie Bray El

Common Sense – addressed to the Inhabitants of America, Written by Englishman January 10, 1776 by Thomas Paine

The Federalist Papers by Alexander Hamilton

The Transfer Agreement – The Dramatic Story of the Pact Between the Third Reich and Jewish Palestine by Edwin Black

Book of Yakub by Rasheed L. Muhammad

Making of the Whiteman by Paul Lawrence

Body BrokersInside America’s Underground Trade in Human Remains by Annie Cheney

The Demonic Roots of Globalism – En Route to Spiritual Deception, by Gary H. Kah

My Irrelevant Defense: Meditations Inside Goal and Out on Jewish Ritual Murder by Arnold S. Leese

Blood Passover by Ariel Toaff

PowerNomics: The National Plan to Empower Black America by Dr. Claud Anderson

Black Labor White Wealth by Dr. Claud Anderson

A Black History Reader – 101 Questions You Never Thought to Ask by Dr.  Claud Anderson

Dirty Little Secrets About Black History: Its Heroes & Other Troublemakers by Claud Anderson

More Dirty Little Secrets About Black History: Its Heroes & Other Troublemakers by Claud Anderson

Including a listing of guest events found on YouTube

The Isis Papers: The Keys to the Colours by Dr. Frances Cress Welsing

Destruction of Black Civilization: Great Issues of a Race from 4500 B.C. to 2000 AD by Chancellor Williams

The Communist Manifesto, by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels

Real Nigga Etiquette, by The God 720, by Keena Booker

Everything you were taught about the Civil War is Wrong – Ask a Southerner! By, Lochlainn Seabrook – Forward by Nelson W. Winbush

The Book of God, /New Revised Edition, by True Islam

Rise of the Red Dragon, by Michael Salla, Ph.D

51 Documents, Zionist Collaboration with the Nazis, edited by Lenni Brenner

Understanding the Assault on the Black Man, Black Manhood and Black Masculinity by, Dr. Wesley Muhammad

Is Allah a Man? By Dr. Wesley Muhammad

The Life and Times of Frederick Douglass, Written by Himself, Dover Publications, Garden City, New York

The Speeches of Frederic Douglass, Edited by John R. Mckivigan, Juli Husband, and Heather L. Kaufman

The Creature from Jekyll Island: A Second Look at the Federal Reserve by G. Edward Griffin

Wealth Choice- Success Secrets of Black Millionaires by Dennis Kimbro

Street Economics: The Economic Realities of Black Economic Development, love, Sex and Drugs (Dr. Rufus Shaw Jr. (Volume 1)

Rulers of Darkness Exposed, by Damian Campbell

Secret State, by Jack Thomas

Living Check to Monday by Lynn Richardson

The Symphony- A Guide to Creating & Balancing Multiple Streams of Income by Dr. Lynn Richardson

Your Invisible Power, by Genevieve Behrend

The Strangest Secret by Earl Nightingale

Man’s Search For Himself by Rollo May

Parasite Rex by Carl Zimmer

World Class Parasites: Volume 9 – Opportunistic Infections, Toxoplasma, Sarcocystis, and Microsporidia, Edited by David S. Lindsay and Louis M. Weiss, Serios Editors, Samuel J. Black and J. Richard Seed, Kluwer Academic Publishers

Why and How Doctors Kill More People Than Cancer, by Dr. Vernon Coleman

The Planet of Viruses – Second Edition by Carl Zimmer

The shock of Global Population Decline by Darrell Bricker and John Ibbitson

Referenced by Godtah B Sirius – a must suggested books reading:

  • PDR for Herbal Medicines, appearing in Editions, The Information Standard For Complementary Medicine
  • The Map Of Consciousness Explained, A proven Energy Scale To Actualize Your Ultimate Potential by David R. Hawkins, M.D. PhD
  • Human Parasitology by Burton J. Bogitsh, Clint E. Carter and Thomas N. Oeltmann

The Holographic Universe by Michael Talbot

Somebody Else is on the Moon, by George Leonard

The Mind of Primitive Man, by Franz Boas

Forty Million Dollar Slaves, The Rise, Fall, and Redemption of the Black Athlete, by William C. Rhoden

America’s Secret Establishment, An Introduction to the Order of Skull & Bones, by Antony C Sutton

Technological Slavery, Volume One, by Theodore John Kaczynski

How Britain Initiated both World Wars, by Nick Kollerstrom

The Nazi Doctors, by Robert Jay Lifton (Medical Killing and the Psychology of Genocide)

Hidden History: The Secret Origins of the First World War, by Gerry Docherty

Bound With An Iron Chain – The Untold Story of How the British Transported 50,000

The Kybalion, A Study of The Hermetic Philosophy of Ancient Egypt and Greece, First Published in 1912

The Destruction of the European Jews, Raul Hilberc

Convicts to Colonial America by Anthony Vaver

Yakub: The Father of the White Race. Shawn Asor-Sallaah

Black Masters, A Side-light on Slavery (1904) by Calvin Dill Wilson

The. Aboriginal Black Olmec Civilization, by Anu M’Bantu

The Bush Crime Family, The Inside Story of An American Dynasty, by Roger Stone and Saint John Hunt

Understand The Connections Between Black and Aboriginal Peoples – Raging Blakkindian Dub

The Lost History of Ancient America, Edited by Frank Joseph – Author of the Lost Colonies of Ancient America

Prolonging the Agony: How The Anglo-American Establishment Delib by, Jim Macgregor

The Pilgrims Society and Public Diplomacy by Stephen Bowman

The Federal Reserve Conspiracy by Antony C. Sutton

The Wall Street Trilogy: A History by Anthony C Sutton

Anthropology and Modern Life by Franz Boas

The “I Am” Discourses

A Tropical Dependency by Lady Lugardin 

The Mind of the Negro as Reflected Letters During the Crisis, by Carter G. Woodson

Numerology – Key to Your Inner Self – A Complete Guide to Understanding and Using Your Numbers of Destiny by Hanz Decoz with Tom Monte

Secrets of Metaphysics Mastery by Erik Tao

The Book of Secret Wisdom, Translated from the Senzar by Zinovia Dushkova

What You Should Know About the United States Constitution and the Bill of Rights, by Dr. John Coleman

Conspirator’s Hierarchy: The Story of the Committee of 300, by Dr. John Coleman

Diplomacy by Deception, by Dr. John Coleman

Psychokinesiology: Doorway to the Unconscious Mind,

by Alexander S. Holub, Ph.D

One World Order, by Dr. John Coleman

Somebody Else Is On The Moon by George Leonard

Becoming Volume III, by Handbook for the New Paradigm

Embracing the Rainbow Volume II

Ten Metaphysical Secrets of Manifesting Money, A Spiritual Insights into Attaining Prosperity, Riches, Abundance, Wealth, and Affluence by James Goi Jr.

A Journey Through Chinese Hell, Hell Scrolls of Taiwan, by Neal Donnelly with an Introduction by Paul Michael Taylor

Back To A Future For Mankind, BioGeometry, by Ibrahim Karim, PhD, Dr. Sc.

The Great BLAK Mamma of Creation by Suzar

The Amazing Power of Deliberate Intent by the Esther and Jerry Hicks (The Teaching of Abraham)

One Ture, One Law: I Am I Create, We are all God. We are All God. WE Have Just Forgotten by Erin Werley

God’s Secretaries, The Making of the King James Bible, by Adam Nicolson

World Without Cancer, The story of Vitamin B17, by C. Edward Griffin

Signs & Symbols of Primodial Man, by Albert Churchward Introduction by John Henrik Clarke

Decolonizing the African Mind, Chinweizu

The Slave Community: Plantation Life in the Antebellum South. Revised & Enlarged Edition

Roll, Joran, Roll: The World the Slave Made

Gender and Jim Crow: Women and the Politics of White Supremacy in North Carolina, 1896-1920

Complete Guide to Credit and Collection Law (Referenced by Sabir Bey)

From Slave Ship to Harvard: Yarrow Mamout and the History of An African American Family.

Nine Do-It-Yourself Energy Experiments that Prove Your Thoughts Create Your Reality, by Pam Grout

Unlock Your Mind” The Fraud of Religion by Jose M. Paulino

How To Grow Old, Marcus Tullius Cicero, Translated and with an introduction by Philip Freeman

Freemasonry at A Glance, Answers to 555 Questions, by Reynold E. Blight

Patrick. J. Buchanan, Will America Survive to 2025? Suicide of a Superpower

The Power of Your Subconscious Mind, Deluxe Edition, by Joseph Murphy

Ask and It is Given, Learning to Manifest Your Desires, Ester and Jerry Hicks (The Teachings of Abraham)

The 50th Law, by 50 Cent and Robert Greene (Noted for 50 Cent, an American Rapper – Curtis James Jackson III)

The Real Roosevelts An Omitted History, What PBS & Ken Burns Didn’t Tell You, by M.S. King

Reconstruction, in United States History (the period 1865-1877) – A period to redress the inequities of slavery, that address the political, social and economic and the readmission to the Union of eleven states had seceded. Citation – Britannica.com. These are timelines that defines the presence concerns of a country broken promises and legislations that continues to inherent challenges today.

Black Genocide, The Book the World Has Been Waiting for, The Hypocrisy of America, by Daniel Z. Bakker

War Against the Weak, Eugenics and America’s Campaign To Create A Master Race, by Edwin Black

Beyond Slavery’s Shadow – Free People of Color In The South by Warren Eugene Milteer Jr.

Blood Oath by Steven Worth and Carl Jaspers

The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks, Oprah Winfrey, Rose Byrne (HBO/HARPO film production)

Robert Nesta Marley OM (Bob Marley), Jamaican singer-songwriter

The Secret Team – The CIA and Its Allies in Control of the United States and the World, by L. Fletcher Prouty Forward by Jesse Ventura

Contract Drafting and Negotiation by Paul A. Swegle

Worlds Beyond Poles; Physical Continuity of the Universe, by F. Amadeo Giannini (Copyright 1959)

Word Magic – The Powers and Occult Definitions of Words, by Pao Chang  – Second Edition

Signs – The Secret Language of the Universe, by Laura Lynne Jackson

The Secret Teachings of All Ages, An Encyclopedic Outline of Masonic, Hermetic, Qabbalistic and Rosicrucian Symbolical Philosophy, by Manly P. Hall

The Healing Power of Pau d’Arco, the Divine Tree of the South American Shamans Provides Extraordinary Healing Benefits by Lotus Light – Shangri-La

Soul Guide on Planet Earth, Your Soul is of Divine Origin Everything Else Is An Illusion That Rules This World, by Ivan Antic

Ivan Antic Religiousness, Instructions for Use

Ivan Antic – The Process of Realization – A detailed description of the process of every kind of realization, the law of attraction, from quantum fields and mind, to the matter

Ivan Antic – Everything Is Perfect – Why Do We Not See It

Ivan Antic – Samadhi,- Unity of Consciousness and Existence

Ivan Antic – Physics of Consciousness – In the Quantum Field, Minerals, Plants, Animals and Human Souls

Ivan Antic – Meditation – First and Last Step From Understanding to Practice

How to Grow Old: Ancient Wisdom for the Second Half of Life (Ancient Wisdom for Modern Readers) by Cicero, Marcus Tullius

How To Run A Country, by Marcus Tullius Cicero, Selected, translated, and with an introduction by Philip Freeman

How To Win An Argument, An Ancient Guide to the Art of Persuasion, Marcus Tullius Cicero, Selected, Edited and Translated by James M. May

Summary and Most Shocking Facts of The Real Anthony Fauci, by Robert F. Kennedy Jr. – Bill Gates, Big Pharma and the Global War on Democracy and Public Health, author, Michael Harris

The Real Anthony Fauci: Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and the Global War on Democracy and Public Health (Children’s Health Defence), by Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

Lies My Doctor Told Me, Medical Myths That Can Harm Your Health, by Ken D. Berry, M.D, FAAFP

Sundown Towns, A Hidden Dimension of American Racism, by James W. Loewen

Lies Across America, What Our Historic Sites Get Wrong, by James W. Loewen

The Conquest of the New World, American Holocaust, by David E. Stannard

Origin of The Anglo Saxon Race, The Settlement of England Vol I., William Shore Revised by Bryan Wilton

Propaganda by Edward Bernays

The Way to Wealth by Benjamin Franklin (Paperback)

Technological Slavery by Theodore John Kaczynski, Volume One

The Pilgrims Society and Public Diplomacy, 1895-1945 by Stephen Bowman

America’s Secret Establishment, An Introduction to the Order of Skull & Bones by Antony C Sutton

Forty Million Dollar Slaves by William C. Rhoden

The Miracle of Metaphysical healing by Evelyn M. Monahan

A Psychology of the Soul from the Infinite into the Finite, by Herbert Bruce Puryear, PhD

How Britain Initiated Both World Wars, by Nick Kollerstrom

Crystallizing Public Opinion by Edward Bernays

The Healing Power of Mandras, The Yoga of the Hands, by Rajendar Menen

Iridology in Practice, Revealing the Secrets of the Eye, by Miriam Garber, PhD, MBMD, Dip. H. Ir.

The Golden Fountain, the Complete Guide to Urine Therapy,

by CoenVan Der Kroon, Foreword by Swami Pragyamurti Saraswati

Within You Is the Power, by Joseph Murphy

The Prophet, by Kahlil Gibran,

The Madman, His Parables and Poems, by Kahlil Gibran

The “I Am Discourses – Volume 20, 19, 3, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14; Magic Presence Vol. 2, Ascended Master Instructions, Volume 4, 6; I Am Adorations, Affirmations Volume 5; Beloved St Germain Talks Volume 13

Please note these series of books covered Volume 1, Unveiled Mysteries through to Volume 20.

Listing of Activist That Supported Awareness and Movement  – The Negro Roots Connects

Martin Luther Kings, Jr. (Civil Rights Activist)

Malcolm X

Medgar Evers

Paul Robeson

Percy Julian

John Lewis

Richard Loving

*Great Marcus Garvey

Barbara Jordan

Sojourner Truth

*Web Du Bois

Frederick Douglas

*Stokely Carmichael

Huey Percy Newton

Bobby Wright (Noted: the teacher of Frederic Hamilton)

Frederic C. Hamilton

Booker T. Washington

*Thurgood Marshall

John Brown

Jimmie Lee Jackson

Ruby Bridges

Whitney Young Jr.

Andrew Young Jr. (Civil Rights Activist

Walter White

*Cornel West _ Professor/Lecturer

*Bobby Seale

Dred Scott – 1857 (Supreme Court Case)

  • The Dred Scott case – gateway arch national park (U.S …


“Dred Scott v. Sandford was a landmark decision that helped changed the entire history of the country. The Supreme Court decided the case in 1857, and with their judgement that the Missouri Compromise was void and that no African-Americans were entitled to citizenship, hastened the Civil War which ultimately led to freedom for the enslaved people of the United


  • The Dred Scott Decision [ushistory.org]


“Dred Scott was a slave of an army surgeon, John Emerson. Scott had been taken from Missouri to posts in Illinois and what is now Minnesota for several years in the 1830s, before returning to Missouri. The Missouri Compromise of 1820 had declared the area including Minnesota free. In 1846, Scott sued for his freedom on the grounds that he had lived in a free state and a free territory for a prolonged period of time.”

  • Mar 6, 1857 CE: Dred Scott Decision – National Geographic Society

www.nationalgeographic.org/…/dred scott decision

Mar 6, 1857 CE: Dred Scott Decision On March 6, 1857, the United States Supreme Court decided for the defendant (enslaver) in the case of Dred Scott v. Sandford, ruling that African Americans could not be citizens of the U.S. and that the federal government had no authority to regulate slavery. Grades 5 – 11 Subjects

  • Dred Scott decision Facts | Britannica

www.britannica.com/facts/Dred Scott decision

“The original majority opinion was supposed to be written by Justice Samuel Nelson and simply argue that the case belonged not in the federal courts but in the state court. President James Buchanan actually influenced Justice Robert Grier of Pennsylvania to join the southerners in the majority so that the decision would look less regional.”

  • Reference: The 13th Amendment to the United States Constitution


“The 13th Amendment was the first amendment to the United States Constitution during the period of Reconstruction. The amendment was ratified on December 6, 1865, and ended the argument about whether slavery was legal in the United States. The amendment reads, “Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction.”

Reference: What You Should Know About the United States Constitution and the Bill of Rights, by Dr. John Coleman (pp. 123, addressing the 13th, 14th and 15th Amendments, the basis of the Civil Rights Acts of 1866).  Reading of this book entirely is effortless. Also review of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, pp.152 addressing the Voting Rights Act of 1965.

Do we know much of anything about everything we should know? We are still murdered by ordered, as when we study the book of Mass Murder is Liberty – How The United States Is Ruled By The Decree, by Alan Ernest.

Newsreel of the seeing eyes: The Doctrine of Discovery, the Spanish Inquisition

We should know that the illusionary freedom claimed as freedom for many is simply a Federal Government exchange of property (Those enslaved Black people with no nationality) from one ownership to another. Under government ‘con.struct.tion’, Black people remain under the umbrella of box control.)

Continue with the research of the following:

Branch Rickey

Baynard Rustin

Dick Gregory

Richard Allen

David Walker

Alice Walker

*Citation: Civil Rights Activist – biography.com

James Arthur Baldwin – An American Writer and Activist.

Richard Wright – An American Writer

Also: Dr. Angela Yvonne Davis – American Political Activist, Scholar, Philosopher and Author

Bob Law (Radio/Show Host (WBAI Radio), Activist, Coordinator for the Millions More Movement)

Sister Souljah (Activist, Author, Lecturer)

Reverend Al Sharpton (An American Activist, Politician, Founder of , “the National Action Network)

Reverend Jessie Jackson

Mother of all, Sophia Stewart creator of the Matrix and The Terminator, and books, “The Third Eye”,

Additional Acknowledgement:

Alton H. Maddox, Jr. American Lawyer (committed to high-profile civil rights cases marked in the 1980s)

Don Peebles – Real Estate Entrepreneur – Roy Donahue “Don” Peebles.

Jonnie Cochran, American Lawyer (committed to high-profile civil activist)

Adam Clayton Powell Jr. (Former United States Representative/American Baptist Pastor and politician who represented Harlem (neighborhood) in New York City

Gus Savage – Former Congressman

Harold Washington – Former Mayor of Chicago

Marion Shepilov Barry – American Politician, Former Mayor of the District of Columbia

Bill Crosby (Author, Producer, Activist, Actor)

Jason Black (Producer, Activist and Lecturer)

Sabir T. Bey (Producer, Actor, Traveling Journalist, Archiver of Truth, Storyteller)


Noted: Sabir Bey Hailing from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Sabir Bey’s life work is to bring awareness of the science of civics to the community. His extensive background in Black/African-America/Moorish heritage, constitutional law, history and health has yielded an array of lectures, workshops and open information forums across the U.S.A. – Activist | Scholar | host of the Sabir Bey Show / producer of out of darkness /Filmmaker Focus: Law, Civics, Heritage/History, Politics, Etymology and Health.

Rev. Dr. Philippe Shock Matthews – www.1stfrequency.com/revdrshock

Dr. Clyde Winters (www.ancient-origins.net/…/clyde-winters-006222

Noted: Dr. Clyde Winters is an Educator, Anthropologist, and Linguist.

Bernard Shaw (Journalist) and Anchor for CNN from 1980 – 2001. Bernard Shaw spoke truth, unvarnished about diversity.

“Journalists, hear me tonight,” Shaw told the NABJ awards banquet audience in Las Vegas. “

“They are turning the people’s right to know into the people’s fight to know,” he said.“Beyond this ballroom tonight, white males, wake up,” Shaw continued. “Globally, you are an island speck in an ocean of color. (Credit to YouTube: Richardprince journal-isms® Online since 2002 _ this article on Spoke Truth, Unvanished by Richard on September 8, 2022.

The Iceman Inheritance, Prehistoric Sources of Western Man’s Racism, Sexism and Aggression, by Michael Bradley

Chosen People From the Caucasus, by Michael Bradley

Medieval African 1250-1800 by Roland Oliver and Anthony Atmore

Dogs of God, Columbus, the Inquisition, and the Defeat of the Moors, by James Reston, Jr.

Warriors of God, by Richard the Lionheart and Saladin in the Third Crusade, James Reston, R.

The Secret Teachings of all Ages by Manly P. Hall

The Jews and Moors in Spain by Rabbi Jos. Krauskopf

American Indian Myths and Mysteries, by Vincent H. Gaddis

The Art of Terracotta Pottery in Pre-Columbian Central and South America,  by Alexander Von Wuthenau

From Babylon to Timbuktu: A History of the Ancient Black Races Including the Black Hebrews, by Rudolph R Windsor

Arthur Koestler the Thirteenth Tribe: The Khazar Empire and its Heritage, by Arthur Koestlr

The Invention of the Jewish People, by Shlomo Sand

Research archive of Jewish Library

Research archive of Library of Congress

Nation of Islam

George Noory – American Radio host

Art Bell – American Radio host

Tedtalk  – Youtube

Kwamesunhorse Youtube

YouTuber – Ra Bel

YouTuber – James Branch a.k.a. Red Wolf

Mechee X (YouTuber, Activist, Lecturer)

Isis Wisdom (YouTuber)

Russell Brand (YouTuber)

Alex Jones (Activist, and Radio Host)

Ancient Alien – Documentaries

Steven Qualye, books – Gaints: the Master Builders of the Prehistoric and Ancient Civilizations

Additional – Volumes of YouTubers Platforms for further research

Alex Jones – American Talk host/filmmaker

Deborah Travers Stop the crime.net

Deborah Ishki Oklahumma – (American Indian Aboriginal) Activist, Lecturer of Historical Truth -YouTube

Coast-to-Coast Broadcast (Host George Noory)

Coast-to-Coast Broadcast (Host Art Bell, since deceased)

Ancient Aliens Series (Found on Hulu and Netflix)

Jordan Maxwell (lectures/YouTube) Deceased 2022

Deborah Tavares, Weather Weapons, Resource Restrictions – (Youtube/Podcast)


Gottlieb Mittelbergers Journey to Pennsylvania in the Year 1750 and 1754, Containing Not Only a Description of the Country According to Its Present Condition, But Also a Detailed Account by Gottlieb Mittelberger

Traveler’s Guide to the Firearm Laws of the Fifty States, researched and written by J. Scott Kappas, Esq.

A Beginner’s Guide to Online Genealogy, Learn How to Trace Your Family History and Discover Your Roots, Michael Dunn

Traveler’s Guide to the Firearm Laws of the Fifty States, researched and written by J. Scott Kappas, Esq. (copyright 2020 Traveler’s Guide, Inc.) Study the Second Amendment for those of citizens and those who have privilege.

?Does the Second Amendment apply to so-called, Black, Negro, African American, Moors, Hispanic, Latinos/or not, et al.? Let us reexamine why and when, it was created and for whom. However, as human beings, for those who are, if we are identifying as such, everyone breathing has the right to self-defense against harm that may result in a fatality – or do they not.

Norse Magic & Runes, by Frederick Strom

NSSM – 200 – THE KISSINGER REPORT, Implications of Worldwide Population Growth For U.S. Security and Overseas Interests; the 1974 National Security Stud Memorandum, (Also, the Initiating Memo and Ford Implementation Memo (NSDM 314),

Suggested Readings:

Understanding Metaphysics – Using Psychology to Better Understand Metaphysical Experiences by Dr Jimmy Henderson

Illustrated – Charles Martel & and Battle of Tours, The Defeat of the Arab Invasion of Western Europe by the Franks, 732 AD – Edward Creasy, G.L. Strauss, Charles King & Walter Copland Perry

How to Influence People by Robert Dale Goleman–Daniel, Brandon Bradberry and Travis Greene Carnegie

The Mind of Primitive Man, The Classic of Anthropology – Hereditary Characteristics, Linguistic and Cultural Traits of the Human Races, by Franz Boas

The Dragon Legacy, The Secret History of an Ancient Bloodline by Nicholas de Vere

Covid-19: The Great Reset by Klaus Schwab and Thierry Malleret

Dark Light Consciousness, Melanin, Serpent Power, and the Luminous Matrix of Realty, by Edward Bruce Bynum, PhD

Eugenics, Applied Eugenics Introduced to The American Nation by a Leading Member of the Movement by Irving Fisher

The Power to Control, How the Elite Conspire Against You – Deconstructing America Part 1, by Tom S. Pane

A Brief Account of the Destruction of the Indies, Bartolome de las Casas

Whiteness The Original Sin, by Jim Goad

The Age of AI And Our Human Future, by Henry A. Kissinger, Eric Schmidt, Daniel Hutten locher

Genocide, A World History, by Norman M. Naimark

The World’s Deadliest Plagues, by Charles River Editors

The Return (Trump’s Big 2024 ComeBack) by Dick Morris (Noted: We questioned if it is possible for a return, and if so, what is the agenda that a group imposes to command on any elected officials and the parties subscribed.

Mass Murder Is Liberty, How The United States Is Ruled By The Decree – Mass Murder Is Liberty, by Alan Ernest. (Noted: We should question the following concerns as pointed out by the author: Has the United States Supreme Court committed mass murder? Have four United States presidents committed mass murder? Have Leaders of the United States of Congress committed mass murder? Has the Democratic Party committed mass murder? Finally, Have the Leaders of the National News Media schemed for two decades to overthrow the United Sated Constitution and impose Nazi doctrines on America?)

Proclamation 1625, America’s Enslavement of the Irish, by Herbert L. Byrd Jr. (Noted: the Irish preceded the Africans as enslaved people in Virginia and Maryland’s tobacco fields and Barbados and Jamaica’s sugar cane fields. (We should define who the Irish are in question and regarding ethnic background).

Blood and Soil, A world History of Genocide and Extermination from Sparta to Darfur, By Ben Kiernan

Agenda 2021-2030 Exposed! COVID-19 Vaccine Chips and Passports – The Great Reset and The New Normal by Rebel Press Media

Unreported Truth, Technocracy 2021-2050 – Vaccine Frauds, Cyber Attacks, Word Wars and Population Control Exposed, by Rebel Press Media

COVID-19 Bioweapon 2021-2030 – China and the U.S. Created the Virus for Agenda 21? – RNA-Technology – Vaccine Victims – MERS-COV Exposed by Rebel Press Media

Agenda 2030 Uncovered 2021-2050 – Economic Crisis Hyper Inflation, Fuel and Food Shortage, World Wars and Cyber Attacks, by The Great Reset and The New Normal by Rebel Press Media

A Tropical Dependency, An Outline of the Ancient History of Western Sudan With an Account of the Modern Settlement of Northern Nigeria by Flora S. Lugard – Introduction by John Henrik Clarke.

The Hacking of the American Mind, The Science Behind the Corporate Takeover of Our Bodies and Brains, by Robert H. Lustig, M.D. MSL – Author of the New York Times Best Seller Fat Chance.

America Hijacked – How Deep State Actors from LBJ to Obama Killed for Power and Money by S.M. Carlson

To Govern The Globe – World Orders & Catastrophic Change, by Alfred W. McCoy

Anthony Burgess Wilson, was an English writer and composer (b.1917-d1993). The Burgess Archive and Library of Anthony Burges

International Anthony Burgess Foundation/The National Archives of the UK government. The Burgess animal Book for children/music, business papers, copies of contemporary novels, along with a vast collection of subject matters

*Woke Racism: how a New Religion Has Betrayed Black America, John McWhorter

Reincarnation and Karma, by Edgar Cayce

And the Study of Incarnation, because we do not reincarnation back into the same, but incarnate on new assignments.

Beyond Death: Visions of the Other Side, By Edgar Cayce

*The Age of Metapreneurship: A Journey into the Future of Entrepreneurship, by CJ Cornell

Metaverse Investing: A Step-by-Step Guide to Preparing for the Next Big Thing, Buying Virtual Land, Digital Assets, NFTs, Web3, Cryptocurrency, VR and Blockchain Gaming, by Michael. J. Foster

The Author’s Shared Advice – 

*We continue to honor all who stand and make a difference for all humanity from all walks of Life.

Review and study of the 1895 8th Grade Final Exam from Kansas (to be downloaded from the Internet)


Jazz, Blues and Spirituals – The Origins and Spirituality of Black Music in the United States by Hans Rookmaaker

The Music of Black Americans A History Third Edition, by Elleen Southern

Black Music in America; A History Through Its People by James Haskins

The Astor Place Riot,  by Richard Moody,  Copyright 1958 Indiana University Press Bloomington.

Black Music in America: A History Through Its People

Dearly Concert-Life in America (1731-1800) by Oscar George Theodore Sonneck

Study the History of Alvin Ailey and its Roots in the American Culture of Indigenous Americans. The Alvin Ailey American Dance Theatre (AAADT) a modern dance company founded in 1958 by Choreographer and dancer Alvin Ailey – then made up of thirty-two dancers led by artistic director Robert Battle and associate artistic director Matthew Rushing (Wikipedia)

“Filmmaker Ken Burns tells the story, A history of Jazz begins in New Orleans, nineteenth century America’s most cosmopolitan city, where the sound of marching bands, Italian opera, Caribbean rhythms, and minstrel shows fills the streets with a richly diverse musical culture. Here, in the 1890s, African American musicians create a new music out of these ingredients by mixing in ragtime syncopations and the soulful feeling of the blues. (www.pbs.org/show/jazz) and Jazz: (miniseries) – Wikipedia – en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jazz_(miniseries)”

As an Overview Addressing Indigenous Americans Music:

Music is the energy that moves those vibrations that interact with our cosmic beings. The Narrator, Dwann B., tells of the Aboriginal, Indigenous, Indian, Negro, Coloured, Mulattos, Naga,  African Americans, and Black creations of what we know today as music. Many YouTubers and the likes, such as Dwann B, Sabir Bey, Jason Black, Tariq Nasheed, KRS, et al.,

We suggest further research into the archives of Theatre and Music Collections, Museum of the City of New York:

New York Public Library for Performing Arts, Lincoln Center.

Visiting the New York Public Library, Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture.

Cross reference The New York Times Magazine on articles about the different artist.

Rolling Stone Magazine as a resource

Gaining the time permitted to study the different artists and their roots.

Study all artists who stood on the ground zero at Showtime at the Apollo

The Era of the Cotton Club, and Harlem during their hay doors

Blues From the Delta by William T. Ferris

The Art perfected with Tap Dance

The Social Implications of Early Negro Music in the United States by Bernard, ed Katz.

Mother of Blues: A Study of Ma Rainey

The Negro and His Music, by Locke, Alain

White Gold – The Extraordinary Story of Thomas Pellow and North Africa’s One Million European Slaves, by Giles Milton

White Trash – The 400- Year Untold History of Class in America by Nancy Isenberg

White Trash: Race and Class in America by Annalee Newitz

“Masterless Men: Poor Whites and Slavery in the Antebellum South (Cambridge Studies on the American South) by Keri Leigh Merritt”

Random House Webster’s unabridged dictionary, Second Edition – Page 1607

The UN Genocide Convention: A Commentary (Oxford Commentaries on International Law) by Gaeta Paola

One World/One America: Tartarians and Moors by James W. Lee

Complete Guide To Fasting: Hal Your Body Through Intermittent, Alternate-Day, and Extended Fasting by Dr. Jason Fung

The Book of Lies, by Aleister Crowley

The Book of the Law, by Aleister Crowley

314 (Widowsfield Trilogy) by A.R. Wise

The Ancient Cities of the New World Being Travels and Explorations in Mexico and Central America From 1857-1882 by Desire Charnay

The American Nations, Vol. l. – Or, Outlines of a National History of the Ancient and Modern Nations of North and South America, by C.S. Rafinesque

The Jesuit Relations: Natives and Missionaries in Seventeenth-Century North America (Bedford Series in History and Culture, by Allan Greer

Fulcanelli: Master Alchemist: Le Mystere des Cathedrales, Esoteric Interpretation of the Hermetic Symbols of the Great Work (English version) by Fulcanelli

American Indians and Christian Missions: Studies in Cultural Conflict (Chicago History of American Religion) by Henry Warner Bowden

Ritual Magic: What It IS and How To Do It (Llewellyn’s Practical Magick Series) by Donald Tyson

The Missionaries: God against the Indians, by Norman Lewis

Ancient Mexico, An Introduction to the Pre-Hispanic Cultures by Frederick Person

Researches, Philosophical and Antiquarian, Concerning The Aboriginal History Of America – by J H 1793?-1870 McCulloh and James Haines McCulloh

Transference and Countertransference (Maresfield Library) by Heinrich Racker

Complete Guide To Fasting: Heal Your Body Through Intermittent, Alternate-Day, and Extended Fasting by Dr. Jason Fung


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