membreship tiers One
Monthly Member $16 or save with $12.75 Per Month and $153 Billed Annually
Pending price adjustment, and to consider providing a trial period of one month for $16 before finalizing an automated membership
Automated Calendar
Attend Group Meetings with a planned agenda – topics will be announced prior to airing of show or provide suggestions for topics.
Members could share articles of concerns.
Report on Matters of Concern that are Beneficial to the community. Discuss, and/or become a panel guest host. A Weekly Platform To Share Something to Address or Support Humanity.
Tier one
Monthly Member $16 or save with $12.75 Per Month and $153 Billed Annually
Tier one
Pending price adjustment, and to consider providing a trial period of one month for $16 before finalizing an automated
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Tier two
Monthly Member $50 or save with $15 Per Month and $600 Billed Annually
Tier Two
Pending price adjustment, and to consider providing a trial period of one month for $20 before finalizing an automated membership
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Tier three
Monthly Member $65 or save with $60.00 Per Month and $720 Billed Annually
Tier Three
Pending price adjustment, and to consider providing a trial period of one month for $65 before finalizing an automated membership
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Tier four
Monthly Membership $150 monthly or save with $135 Per Month under a $540 Billed Quarterly
Tier Four
Semi-Annual Membership $150.00 monthly or save with $140.00 for $840.00 with bonus of 2 shows within this schedule
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Tier five
Membership Package with individual packages ranging from $75 to $90 monthly
Tier Five
ot all Packages will be available for individual purchases under Tier IV due to Operating and Overhead Cost on Site
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