JayP is the CEO of Time Less Voices, LLC, author of several books, an artist of various artworks, and a house-grown jokester with a jovial character. JayP and Co-Founder Victor Pierpoint host of timelessvoicesusa podcast and BlogTalkRadio show. Time-Less Voices introduces a platform that allows an individual to voice concerns that echo from the past through to the present and confidently lead them into the future.
This certificate signifies compassionate training in end-of-life care, honoring life’s journey while providing emotional, spiritual, and practical support to individuals and their families during life’s most profound transitions.
This certification demonstrates the ability to integrate artistic expression into therapeutic practices, fostering healing, creativity, and emotional well-being for individuals seeking holistic support.
This certificate represents a commitment to empowering individuals to achieve personal growth and fulfillment. It highlights the ability to guide clients in unlocking their potential and navigating life’s challenges with clarity and purpose.