Timeless Voices USA


Time-Less Voices, LLC – Life-Coaching Agreement Contract

    Agreement Between:

    Coach Name:


    Client Full Name:


    This section sets forth the identities of the parties involved in this Coaching Agreement. It includes details about the Coach’s qualifications and the Client’s personal information for reference.


    Purpose of the Agreement:


    This section outlines the primary purpose of this Coaching Agreement. It explains that the Agreement governs the terms and conditions for Coaching Services the Coach provides to the Client, focusing on specific goals and outcomes.


    Coach’s Responsibilities:
    1. The Coach shall provide coaching services to the Client.

    2. The Coach shall maintain confidentiality, adhering to the terms outlined in this Agreement.

    3. The Coach shall uphold ethical and professional standards.

    Client’s Responsibilities:
    1. The Client shall actively engage in the coaching process.

    2. The Client shall remain open to exploring new perspectives and strategies.

    3. The Client shall be punctual and adequately prepared for coaching sessions.

    4. The Client shall promptly communicate any concerns or questions to the Coach.

    5. The Client shall adhere to the terms and conditions outlined in this Agreement.

    6. The Client understands that coaching does not substitute professional advice from legal, mental health, medical, or other qualified professionals. They commit to seeking independent professional guidance for such matters. If the Client is under the care of a mental health professional, the Coach may recommend informing the mental health care provider.

    7. The Client takes responsibility for their physical, mental, and emotional well-being, decisions, choices, actions, and outcomes. Accordingly, the Client agrees that the Coach bears no liability for their actions or inactions or any direct or indirect results of services provided by the Coach.

    8. The Client agrees to transparent communication, willingness to accept feedback and assistance, and allocates sufficient time and energy to participate fully in the program.

    9. The coach agrees to uphold the ethics and standards the International Coach Federation (ICF) sets.



    This section outlines the coaching services the Coach commits to providing the Client. It may include details of the coaching plan and mutually agreed-upon objectives.
    Term of Coaching: Both parties agree to engage in a coaching program lasting _____ months. Coaching sessions may be conducted through various methods (e.g., in-person, internet, telephone), with additional availability for email and voicemail communication between scheduled meetings, as defined by the Coach (please specify these terms). The Coach is also available for extra time upon the Client’s request, such as reviewing documents or reports, as long as they fall within the scope of coaching.

    Term of Coaching:


    This section establishes the commencement date and duration of the coaching relationship, indicating when it begins and its expected duration.

    Scope of Coaching:


    This section defines the extent of the coaching engagement, highlighting specific goals, objectives, and areas of focus agreed upon by both the Coach and the Client.

    Schedule and Fees:


    This section provides information on the coaching session schedule, frequency, and associated fees. It specifies when coaching sessions will occur and the financial terms. This Coaching Agreement is effective as of February 2024. Fees are determined through scheduling and are payable weekly or monthly. The duration of calls or meetings ranges from 30 to 120 minutes. In case of rate adjustments before the Agreement’s signing and dating, prevailing rates will apply.

    Procedure: Missed Sessions:


    This section outlines the procedure for rescheduling or addressing missed coaching sessions, offering guidance for both parties if rescheduling becomes necessary.



    This section underscores the significance of maintaining confidentiality within the coaching relationship. It specifies that the Coach and the Client must uphold strict confidentiality regarding all matters discussed during coaching sessions.
    This coaching relationship engaged, as well as all information (documented or verbal) shared by the Client with the Coach within this relationship, is bound by confidentiality per the IAPRC Code of Ethics. However, it does not constitute a legally confidential relationship, as seen in Medicine or Law. The Coach commits to not disclosing any Client information without written consent. The Coach will only use the Client’s name as a reference if they obtain the Client’s consent. Confidential information does not encompass:

    • Information is already in the Coach’s possession before being provided by the Client.

    • Information is generally known to the public or within the Client’s industry.

    • Information acquired by the Coach from a third party without breaching obligations to the Client.

    • Any information or knowledge generated by the Coach, created without using or being influenced by any confidential information disclosed by the Client, is considered entirely separate and not governed by the confidentiality provisions.”

    • Information that the Coach is legally required to disclose.

    Release of Information (optional based on the specific situation):

    Release of Information:


    This section allows the Client to choose whether to consent or decline to release information under coaching professional ethics. It clarifies that sharing information with other coaching professionals for training, supervision, mentoring, evaluation, professional development, or consultation is done anonymously and hypothetically, preserving the Client’s privacy.

    As per the ethics of our profession, specific topics may be shared anonymously and hypothetically with other coaching professionals. Therefore, specific topics may be used for training, supervision, evaluation, professional development, mentoring, and consultation.

    Cancellation and Rescheduling Policy:


    This section outlines the policy regarding canceling and rescheduling coaching sessions. It details the process for managing changes to the coaching schedule.
    The Client must provide the Coach 24-hour advance notice through Text, Email, or Telephone to cancel or reschedule a session. Please do so to avoid forfeiture of payment for the missed session unless the Client contacts the Coach beforehand. The Coach reserves the right to impose a fee of 50% of the total charge for the missed session.


    The Coach and the Client will determine the timing and location of coaching meetings based on mutual Agreement. The Client will initiate scheduled calls and reach the Coach at the following: timelessvoicesusa.com via Services within the designated categories.


    Definition: This section elaborates on the conditions under which either party may terminate the coaching relationship. It provides clarity on the termination process and any associated requirements. The Coach, Client, or the Coach may terminate this Agreement with two weeks’ written notice.

    Limited Liability:


    This section limits the Coach’s liability under applicable laws. It underscores that the Coach is not responsible for the Client’s decisions or actions during or after coaching sessions.

    Except as expressly stated in this Agreement, the Coach makes no explicit or implicit guarantees or warranties. The Coach shall not be held liable to the Client for consequential or special damages. Regardless of any damages incurred by the Client, the Coach’s total liability under this Agreement and the Client’s exclusive remedy will be restricted to the amount paid by the Coach or Client, addressing all services rendered up to the termination date.

    This Agreement encompasses the parties’ entire understanding regarding the subject matter. In addition, this Agreement supersedes all previous written and oral representations. In the event of a dispute arising from this Agreement, which cannot be resolved through mutual consent, the Client and the Coach commit to suitable faith mediation for up to a specified period (e.g., 30 days) after providing notice. If the dispute remains unresolved and legal action is necessary, the prevailing party will be entitled to recover attorney’s and court fees from the other party.

    Governing Law:


    This section specifies the governing law applicable to this Coaching Agreement. It designates the jurisdiction under which disputes or legal matters shall be resolved.

    Signature and Date:


    The Coach and the Client are to sign and date the Agreement, signifying their comprehension and acceptance of the terms outlined herein.

    This comprehensive Coaching Agreement seeks to offer precise definitions for each section, ensuring that both parties fully grasp their roles, responsibilities, and the terms governing the coaching relationship with Time-Less Voices, LLC.