“Before I Fall Asleep” is a thought-provoking artwork featuring a pocket watch, exposing its face and inner workings, revealing an intricate array of gears and cogs. The Roman numerals on the watch face and the visible machinery suggest the relentless passage of time, with each gear’s turn marking the seconds, minutes, and hours of our lives.
The transparency of the clock, showing its internal mechanics, could symbolize the complex processes and inner workings of the mind, especially as one drifts toward sleep. The gears might represent the myriad thoughts, memories, and dreams that intertwine and overlap as consciousness fades and the subconscious takes over.
The artwork’s title, “Before I Fall Asleep,” hints at that liminal space between wakefulness and sleep, a time often filled with reflection, anticipation, and the surrender of one’s self to the passage of time. It captures the moment when the mind drifts away from the structured reality of waking life into the boundless realm of dreams and the subconscious.
This piece invites contemplation on the nature of time—its precision and predictability contrasted with the fluid and often unpredictable nature of human perception and experience. It’s a visual meditation on the moments before sleep, where reality blurs and the mind is set adrift on the tides of time.
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